The publisher wants to recommend a solution to check the increased imports of food items and initiate import substitutions of agriculture products.
Based on marcantalist view, if land is freely distributed to people for cultivation it will increase agriculture products and decrease spending on food, which consists almost 44% of household spending in CPI, that will decrease wages as a result.
Based on Islamic law as well, if any land is not cultivated for three consecutive years, the land should be given to any other person who does cultivate it for multiple years.
The puplisher wants to recommend that land should be distributed among certain categories of citizens, such as families with many children, disabled persons and people whose profession includes hard physical labor to receive 1 hectare (2.47 acres) of free land from the state to build a home and start a farm for personal use or a commercial agricultural enterprise.
At the same time, some categories of citizens, such as convicts who have not served their sentences and all people convicted of corruption crimes would not be allowed to participate in the program.
The land will be first granted for free use for a period of five years. After that, state bodies will check if the plot is used for the declared purposes and allow prolongation of its free use or make it the homeowner’s permanent property.
The measure would help millions of Afghans to turn to agriculture and also solve the problem of repopulation of remote areas and the return of abandoned lands to agricultural production.
Eventually, the new landowners could form the core of the Afghan middle class.
Another benefit of the program is its input into the import replacement program as a measure of reciprocal sanctions on agricultural produce from Pakistan.
The free handover of land plots is very appropriate during the crisis, as it would allow people to invest their savings and revive the national economy.
For a better Afghanistan!
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